Lives and works in Fukuoka.
1955 Born in Tokyo, Japan
1982 Graduated Kyoto City University of Arts
1984 Completed master course at Kyoto City Universuty of Arts
1988 Stayed in New York, US under Asian Cultural Council Fellowlship
1995 Resercher at Goldsimth College, University of London, UK, under Japanese Gorvernment Overseas Study Program for Artists
<Public Collections>
Hara Museumof Contemporary Art (JP), Osaka Contemporary Art Center (JP), Wacor Art Center (JP), Instituto De Artes Graficas de Oaxaca (Francisco Toledo, Mexico), Indianapolice Museum of Art (USA), Waker Hill Art Center (South Korea), Deutsche Bank Frankfurt Branch (Germany), Dermendere City Museum (Turkey), Machida City Museum of Grafic Art (JP), Fukuoka Art Museum (JP), Changdu Contemporary Art Museum Chengdu (CN)
Acrylic and pigment on canvas
Acrylic and pigment on paper
Acrylic and pigment on canvas
Acrylic and pigment on paper
Acrylic and pigment on canvas