Lives and works in Tokyo.
1953 Born in Tokyo, Japan
1976 Graduated from Musashino Art University (JP)
” Slide the mass into the space. The mass that replaces the air is visualized with light and becomes a work. My aim is to create a quiet and core space that is the opposite of impact and spectacle.
* Sleeping Muse 01 – Urbino: A human and sensual goddess. Rest, dreaminess.
* Sleeping Muse 02 – Cenc: Ephemerality and Vitality
* Sleeping Muse 03: Relaxing time as if dreaming of eternity while falling into a deep sleep “– Shintaro Otsuka
45 x 45 x 120 cm
Mixed Medium
80 x 45 x 120 cm
120 x 45 x 50 cm
Mixed Medium
80 x 60 x 120 cm
Transparent Resin
85 x 35 x 68 cm
Mixed Medium, Granite
120 x 100 x 200 cm